Introducing the 27 National Coordinators of the Climate Smart Advisors project, who are responsible for orchestrating national activities in each European country involved.
Ioanna Kalyva
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Senior Project Manager @ GAIA
Leading the EU- funded projects department in GAIA EPICHEIREIN. I work as a Senior Project Manager with more than 10 years’ experience in managing EU Research and Innovation projects focusing on Rural Development and Digital Agriculture. I am experienced in the implementation of national co-funded projects in the field’s of development and enhancement sustainable agriculture. Projects related to climate actions linked to sustainable agriculture and innovative actions are my main interests.
Rocco Lioy
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Project Manager @ CONVIS
More than 25 years of experience in sustainability assessment in agriculture with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon credits in livestock systems. Definition, application and implementation of new assessment systems and parameters for livestock farms. Many years of experience in EU projects (Interreg Grand-Region, Interreg NWE, Life+, Horizon Europe). Scientific publications and participation in agricultural congresses as well as organisation of seminars for consultants and farmers.
Jasmina Vagan
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Head of Department @ Ministry of Agriculture
Head of Department for Business Economics and Management of Agricultural Holdings at the Ministry of Agriculture. Has a master's degree in Agribusiness and Rural Development. In her professional work he focuses on providing expert advice in the field of business economics, financial management of agricultural holdings, investment planning and risk management, as well as on the availability of quality sources of financing.
Daniel Acs
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Innovation Broker @ BEC
Innovation Broker in Agriculture, with broad experience working with farmers and advisors (providing advisory services, initiating Soil Living Lab, development of EIP Operational Groups), national policy makers (evaluations of Rural Development Programmes, CAP Strategic Plan) and the EU services (SCAR AKIS, CAP Network EIP Support Facility, EIP Subgroup for Innovation). I am involved in several EU funded HE projects.
András Vér
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Senior Research Fellow @ SZE
I work as a senior research fellow at Széchenyi István University (SZE). I am national coordinator, task leader, CSC and project manager of the CSA project in Hungary. My main activities at the university are the coordination of international projects in the field of extension, sustainable agriculture, innovation transfer and climate-smart agriculture, and I am also involved in university teaching. I manage the Demonstration Farm Network of the SZE Albert Kazmer Faculty of Mosonmagyaróvár.
Renars Sturmanis
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Project Manager @ LLKC
I am project manager of projects financed by EU funds. At national and European level. Master's degree in finance and credit.
Justyna Fila
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Head of Training Department @ AAC
Master Degree in animal husbandry. 12 years of experience. Head of training department in Agricultural Adisory Center Branch Office in Radom
Alessandro Zatta
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Project Manager @ CRPA
I'm working at the Research Centre of Animal Production in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and I am involved in national and European projects dealing mainly with crop production, soil health and reducing the environmental impacts of agricultural systems. The activity consists managing projects, planning research activities at farms, organising demonstration initiatives for both farmers and consultants. I'm the national coordinator in the ClimateSmartAdvisors project.
Miguel Giménez-Moolhuyzen
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Innovation Advisor @ COEXPHAL
Innovation advisor and agronomist working in technology transfer and innovation in sustainable agriculture: water and soil management, climate smart agriculture, and integrated pest management. Management a.o. Demonstration activities, facilitation, peer to peer learning. Field operation manager in an experimental station for horticulture research.
Michael Billensteiner
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Project Manager @ LK-STMK
Master Degree in renewable energy systems and technical energy management. Experienced in project management of photovoltaic plants and large scale solar thermal systems. In the current position in the Department Energy, Climate and Bio-ressources at the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria I am responsible for National and International projects but also as an energy consultant for farmers in Styria.
Pim Heeman
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Project Manager @ ZLTO
I am a project expert at ZLTO, a advocacy organization for farmers and horticulturists in the southern region of the Netherlands. I hold a BBA from HAS University of Applied Sciences in International Food & Agri Business. Presently, I am engaged in various national and international projects that center around sustainable agriculture, with a specialisation on carbon farming and carbon footprinting.
Maria Suomela
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Project Manager @ ProAgria
I work as a project manager for multiple international projects in a Finnish advisory organisation. The main topics cover sustainable agriculture from the perspectives of climate, biodiversity and innovations.
Tom Schaeken
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Innovation Consultant @ Boerenbond Projects
I am a bioengineer (machinery, agro buildings & climatisation) and obtained a post-graduate degree in Business Administration. At Farmers Organisation Boerenbond I work as innovation consultant climate and energy and am experienced project developer and coordinator (Horizon, Interreg NWE). In previous functions I was project developer for a commercial barn construction company, technical-commercial advisor pig feed and I managed the integration pig farm of AVEVE feed (biggest feed producer in Belgium).
Maria Alejandra Arias Escobar.
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Consultant @ ICOEL
I am a special consultant in the team of Climate and Nature as well as the international advisor at ICOEL. I coordinate internally 4 EU projects mostly related to implementation of innovative climate actions in agriculture, and more specifically into the organic farming sector.
Diogo Moniz
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Project Manager @ Consulai
Diogo has 4 years of experience in project management. He is currently involved in three other Horizon Europe projects at Consulai: QuantiFarm, ClimateFarmDemo , and SoilValues. His main responsibilities include coordinating 30 Test Cases of DATs’ testing under real conditions in 20 countries, coordinating and implementing project training centres, assisting in coordinating a Living Lab initiative, and establishing 12 CoPs around Europe to validate and scale-up soil-health busisness models.
Catalin Dragomir
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Coordinator @ IBNA Balotesti
Coordinator of 20+ national projects & programs in animal nutrition & related fields; partner/country responsible in 10+ european projects; 20 years experience in top management of research activity (science secretary / scientific director / director general of IBNA); 20 years experience in technology transfer of the research results; Editor in Chief of Archiva Zootechinca journal; experience in organising events/trainings, experience in scientific / institutional evaluation, etc.
Lina Zukauskiene
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Head of Innovation Support Service @ LAAS
Head of Innovation Support Service at LAAS, coordinator of innovation projects, member of the EU CAP Network Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE). I am responsible for coordinating national and international innovation projects, developing of LAAS collaboration with advisory, research and innovation institutions, representing LAAS at national and international events. I am a national coordinator in the ClimateFarmDemo project.
Agathe Darret
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Project Manager @ Chambre d'Agriculture France
I work as European project manager at the Chamber of Agriculture France, giving administrative and technical support to the regional Chambers of Agriculture involved in various Horizon Europe project on interactive innovation, climate smart farming and circular economy.
Saša Hočevar
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Senior Associate @ Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry
I work as a senior associate at the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia. I am responsible for financial reporting of EU funded projects. In the CSA project I am national coordinator.
Ludmila Marusakova
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Institute for Agricultural Economics and Information
Head of the Unit for Knowledge Transfer and Innovations with extensive experience in training, education, and extension in agriculture, forestry, and rural development. Coordinated and facilitated national projects, events, and knowledge-sharing platforms, and participated in several international projects. Served as a policy advisor and former Head of the Liaison Unit for the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe.