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Introducing the Coaches, an important role in the Climate Smart Advisors project. Around 140 of them will provide training and education for Advisors about how to implement climate smart practices in real environments



Rocco Lioy

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CONVIS Société coopérative

Crops Management; Manure Storage & Spreading; Sustainability Assessment in Agriculture

More than 25 years of experience in sustainability assessment in agriculture with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon credits in livestock systems. Definition, application and implementation of new assessment systems and parameters for livestock farms. Many years of experience in EU projects (Interreg Grand-Region, Interreg NWE, Life+, Horizon Europe). Scientific publications and participation in agricultural congresses as well as organisation of seminars for consultants and farmers.



Pim Heeman

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Carbon Farming & Carbon Footprinting

I am a project expert at ZLTO, a advocacy organization for farmers and horticulturists in the southern region of the Netherlands. I hold a BBA from HAS University of Applied Sciences in International Food & Agri Business. Presently, I am engaged in various national and international projects that center around sustainable agriculture, with a specialisation on carbon farming and carbon footprinting.



Rouille Benoît

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Institut de l'Élevage

Methane emissions

I am working at the French Livestock Institute, as an expert on dairy cow nutrition and feeding systems. I am in charge of regional, national and european projects delaing with milk production, feed-food competition, land use and carbonfootprint. On this last issue, providing efficient strategies to farmers for reducing methane emissions is a critical on-going work for the dairy industry. I am particularly involved in this research.



Eugenijus Lukosevicius

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Lithuanian Agricultral Advisory Service (LAAS)

Crop production

I work as a senior crop management advisor at LAAS. I am responsible for advising farmers on crop production management, organising training for advisors and farmers (crop production management, use of pesticides, development of fertilisation plans). I participate in national and international projects. I am a Climate Farm Advisor in the ClimateFarmDemo project.



Siw Fasting

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Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/ Bremen e.V.

Grassland Management & Systemic Approaches

Project manager in the area of innovative and climate-smart agriculture, specifically grazing and grassland management. Facilitator of peer-to-peer learning and multi-stakeholder processes with a background in agricultural science and rural innovation, focusing on transformational processes and systemic approaches.



Miriam Ácsová

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Bioeconomy Cluster

Economic & Managerial Guidance for Crop Production, Soil Health & Biodiversity

I have been working extensively with farmers for many years as an advisor, providing advisory services in various areas, including economic and managerial guidance for crop production, marketing and sales strategies, the welfare of farm animals, advisory services for new and aspiring farmers, as well as expertise in climate smart farming, environmentally-friendly agriculture, and several other topics. I am also working with national authorities on different (but mainly) agricultural-related topics.



Isacco Rossi

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Forage Production, Herd Management

I’m a junior researcher at the Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali S.c.P.A.. I mainly work on fodder production, analysing which species and agronomic strategies are best adapted to climate change. My tasks involve both data collection in the field and the dissemination of results to farmers or steakholders. I worked in a dairy cattle farm and then for a short period I was an advisor.



Ian Knight

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Abacus Agriculture

Agronomy, Farm Business, Organic & Agroforestry Systems

20+ years experience advising on organic and agroforestry systems. Linked to UK agroforestry network and UK’s largest commercial agroforestry & LL on CFD project. Abacus is leading UK organic and agroforestry advisory and training service for farmers and ag professional. Abacus involved in developing Gov policy on organic and agroforestry at UK and EU levels. Experienced faciltitator of workshops and COP’s.



Mirna Dadic Cucic

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Ministry of Agriculture

Additives for Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions, Forage Production, Herd Management

Head of Department for Consulting in Livestock Production at the Ministry of Agriculture, over 25 years of work in the civil service. A university specialist in quality and safety of animal products. During her career, she spent most of the time working in the preparation of legal and by-laws, programs and strategies in the field of animal husbandry and livestock production, but also in other branches of the agricultural production.



Moritz Bohm

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Bioland e.V.

Crop Production & Management, Cover Crops

Agricultural business consultant, project advisor for HumusKlimaNetz focused on Covercrops, crop rotation, Humus built-up, Networking, Part-time oganic farmer



Niamh Barry

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Grassland Management, Soil Health & Biodiversity, Herd Management

I am the Teagasc project advisor for the Climate Smart Advisors project. I have a MSc in Climate change, Agriculture and Food Security so I have plenty of knowledge in this field that I would be only to happy to share with other participants.I have worked on and with sheep, dairy and tillage farms. I have worked in both the research and advisor realms so I have experience of working on both sides of the fence so I believe I can bring a unique point of view to this project.



Dace Zarina

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Soil Microbiology, Soil Health, Composting

I work for Latvian Rural Advisory and Education office in Enviromental section. Working with farmers and vegetable growers through Focus groups. Specializing on soil health and fertility building strategies and soil microbiology.



Julie Henriksen

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Innovation Centre for Organic Farming

Sustainability & Climate Factors at Farm Level

Chef consultant and teamleader of the group Climate & Nature. I have several years of experince in developing tools for sustainable development at farm level.



Majken Husted

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Innovation Centre for Organic Farming

Carbon Farming & Carbon Footprinting

Researcher in the Climate & Nature group. Experience within climate calculation, specifically on crop production, calculation of climate effects of carbon sequestration and interpretation of measured field emissions of nitrous oxide.



Marco Giacomoni

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Apo Conerpo SCA

Crops Management, Soil Health & Biodiversity

I am working as an technical employee at Apo Conerpo SCA, an Organization of Producers that includes 6.000 farmers, collected in 50 Agricultural Cooperatives shared around the most fruit and vegetable vocated regions of Italy. I principally working on project linked with agricultural sustainability, also with soil health and biodiversity and crop managment.



Miguel Gimenez Moolhuyzen

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Crops Management, Soil Health & Biodiversity Water Management

Innovation advisor and agronomist working in technology transfer and innovation in sustainable agriculture: water and soil management, climate smart agriculture, and integrated pest management. Management a.o. Demonstration activities, facilitation, peer to peer learning. Field operation manager in an experimental station for horticulture research.



Henna Latvala

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ProAgria South Ostrobothnia

Crop management, Grassland management, Soil Health & Biodiversity

I work as an expert of plant production in a Finnish advisory organisation. I mainly work on projects related to sustainable agrciculture, especially the climate issues, soil growth condition and carbon sequestration. I also do client work with farmers as planning of cultivation and application for farmer subsidies.



Armin Mariacher

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Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria

Energy Management

Master Degree in enviromental system sciences. Experienced project manager in international and national projects. In the current position in the Department Energy, Climate and Bio-ressources at the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria I am responsible for National and International projects but also as an energy consultant for farmers in Styria.



Vassilis Papaspiliou

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Crop Management and Water Resources Management

Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering. Experience in Project Management of over 10 projects (European and National) relevant with data-driven innovation systems in the field of Smart Agriculture.



Černe Jernej

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Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia, Agriculture and forestry institution Ptuj

Agricultural Policy Measures Guidance, Plant Protection Measures, Irrigation, Dry Grassland Preservation

I have a master degree in agronomy with a thesis on seasonal dynamics of brown marmorated stink bug. Currently I’m working for Agriculture and forestry institution in Ptuj primarly with farmers as an advisor, providing guidance mainly on agricultural policy measures and crop management. I am also involved in two European Innovation Partnership projects, one is about irrigation and the other about preserving dry grasslands.



Małgorzata Razminas

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The Warmia and Mazury Agricultural Advisory Service located in Olsztyn (W-MODR)

Organic farming and nature friendly farm management

Master degree in Horticultural Studies. Work experience in advisory service about 10 years, specialised in organic farming, soil and biodiversity management and getting funds for farming. Organize trainings for advisors and farmers. Currently I am involved in national demonstration projects which take place in organic farms in Poland, Climate Farm Demo and Climate Farm Advisors.



Alicia Martinenez

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Abere Zerbitzu Teknikoak Kooperatiba Sozietatea (ABERE)

Grassland management Manure storage and spreading Soil health and biodiversity

I work for ABERE, an advisor center with more than 30 years of experience in the livestock sector. I am the coordinator of the advisory department, providing services for the incorporation of young people to the sector, technical and economic advice, management of farms, advice on sectorial aid…; I also work in the services of sustainable management of organic matter.



Maria Mendonça

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Water management

Master degree on Agricultural Engineering, with a thesis on innovation uptake by farmers – having a particular focus on on-farm water efficiency and on the potential of knowledge exchange methodologies as tools of empowering farmers and other professionals in the agricultural sector. Currently works as a Research and Innovation Consultant in CONSULAI, involved in 4 Horizon Europe projects: ClimateFarmDemo, ClimateSmartAdvisors, ClieNFarms and FaRMeR, focusing on climate smart farming, risk and resiliency management, carbon farming, climate change, farmers and advisors capacity building, knowledge exchange networks, among other topics.



John Langley-Randall

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Soils and Nutrient

I have worked as a Soils and Nutrient Scientist for ADAS since 2022 on projects including the Defra funded “impacts of slurry acidification on soil and crop health”, which was also the basis of my PhD, SUPER-G – a Horizon 2020 project assessing the ecosystem delivery of sustainable permanent grasslands, and an assessment of the impact of mob grazing on soil health funded by Natural England. I am also involved in the CFD project.



Federica Luisi

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Associazione Italiana Allevatori

Methane emissions

I am a junior researcher at the Italian Breeders Association. I work mainly on national and international projects and am involved in activities related to the estimation of GHG emissions in dairy cattle farms in Italy with the aim of encouraging the adoption of mitigation strategies.



Ozren Hrsto

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Ministry of Agriculture

Water management

I studied , Food Science and Technology, Food Safety Management at The Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology at the University of Zagreb . Currently I am in postgraduate doctoral study – Food analysis PhD at the same Univesity. Through my role as an expert advisor in the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture for 6th Year, I am in daily contact with farmers and other residents of rural areas. Through advisory work and courses that we teach, I am very closely related to all the hardships that befall rural areas. As a participant of CECRA training for trainers and I2connect training for trainers, I know a lot about the advantages of training in terms of advisory work and the role of advisory work in the development of ecological and digital agriculture of the new generation. I am also project manager for few Horizon projects in Croatia: DESIRA , I2connect, modernAKIS, and also participant in projects: Climate Farm Demo, ClimateSmartAdvisors, OrganicAdviceNetwork.



Tatiana Panaite

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National Institute for Research & Development in Animal Biology and Nutrition - IBNA Balotesti

Poultry nutrition, feeds, farm management, technology transfer

22+ years of scientific expertise in animal science; technical and scientific experience in monogastric nutrition field; organization/coordination of digestibility trials; elaboration/optimization and development of animal nutritional solutions; nutritional strategies to obtain functional foods (meat and eggs) in partnership with SMEs; manager/responsabile national projects; team member in international projects; technological transfer; ISI/BDI reviewer; author/co-author patents



Marek Krysztoforski

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Agricultural Advisory Center

Organic farming, crops management, fertilization

I work in AAC about 30 years. Master degree in agriculture. I am specialist in organic farming, crops management and fertilization. I have also experience of international projects as NEFERTITI, REMIX, SUMANU, FERTINNOWA



Aleksandar Ivezić

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BioSense, Research and Development Institute for IT in biosystems

IT in Biosystems

I am a research associate with a PhD in agronomy. Primarily, I am a specialist in biocontrol and my interest is focused on the community of beneficial insects present on the territory of Serbia and neighboring countries. The main goal of my work is to investigate the possibility of using different types of beneficial insects in agricultural practice as an alternative to agrochemicals.



Tom Schaeken

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Boerenbond Projects / Innovatiesteunpunt

Energy Management

I am a bioengineer (machinery, agro buildings & climatisation) and obtained a post-graduate degree in Business Administration. Within Boerenbond I work as innovation consultant climate and energy and am experienced project developer and coordinator (Horizon, Interreg NWE). In previous functions I was project developer for a commercial barn construction company, technical-commercial advisor pig feed and I managed the integration pig farm of AVEVE feed (biggest feed producer in Belgium).



Annelie Bernhart

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Annelie Bernhart holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy and a Master of Social Sciences in Biodiversity, Conservation from the University of Oxford, UK. She has worked in international rural development for the past 12 years, including work with the FAO in Rome, the University of Coventry in the UK, Bioversity International, Slow Food and GIZ. Since 2021, Annelie is working for the State Academy for Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry in Landshut, Bavaria (FüAk). Her expertise lies in agroecology, agricultural crop diversity and political ecology. In CSA, Annelie is also co-leading the design of the Train the Trainers Programme for the CSCs.

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