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ClimateSmartAdvisors Kick-Off Meeting

The vibrant city of Brussels hosted the inaugural ClimateSmartAdvisors (CSA) kick-off meeting, a three-day event spanning from May 30th to June 1st, 2023.

This assembly united a varied group of participants, establishing the groundwork for an impactful project that will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of climate-smart farming across Europe.

On the first day, the agenda unfolded with a warm welcome and discussions on effective project coordination. The potential integration of advisors from the Climate Farm Demo (CFD) into CSA was explored, fostering cross-project collaboration. The day also featured a dynamic social media game, presentations from DG AGRI & REA, and an interactive session on understanding the diverse contexts of climate-smart advisors across Europe.

As the evening set in, participants were introduced to the various work packages, providing a comprehensive overview and additional materials for each WP. The day concluded with a dinner for Work Package Leaders (WPLs), facilitating informal discussions and networking among project leaders.

Day 1 covered crucial aspects, including roles and responsibilities, rich pictures, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge repository, and communication strategies. Various important points were discussed, such as communication about guidelines between work packages, role alignment, and time registration for ClimateSmartAdvisors.

The second day continued the momentum with presentations on project management and administrative matters. Attendees engaged in a Q&A session covering document location, country networks, and the potential coordination of Network Management Units (NMUs) for CFD and CSA. The morning also provided an overview of planned activities for Year 1.

After a brief coffee break, participants delved into interactive sessions focusing on the roles within the project. Divided into groups, attendees discussed the responsibilities of Climate Smart Coaches, Advisors, National Coordinators, and Thematic Leaders. The day ended with creative envisioning through a rich picture exercise, showcasing active participation and collaboration.

The evening concluded with a social event at La Gare Maritime, fostering a relaxed atmosphere for networking and informal discussions.

Day 3, held at the esteemed President Hotel, commenced with a session on the knowledge repository. Participants brainstormed ideas, shared experiences, and voiced suggestions, contributing to the creation of an invaluable toolbox. The subsequent session initiated the Dynamic Learning Agenda (DLA) for the CSA project.

Participants explored avenues and tools essential for reaching out to advisors across different countries, outlining a comprehensive communication strategy. The day concluded with a final session providing a roadmap for future actions and collaboration. Participants shared insights gained, fostering inspiration, motivation, and a deeper understanding of project roles and expectations.

The ClimateSmartAdvisors Kick-off Meeting was a resounding success, establishing the groundwork for a collaborative and innovative approach to climate-smart agriculture in Europe. The commitment of participants, the wealth of ideas shared, and the anticipation for future collaboration underscored the significance of this gathering. The journey has just begun, and the CSA project is poised to make a lasting impact on the future of agriculture in Europe.

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