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Co-Design Innovation Experiments (CoDIEs): Catalyzing Change in Climate-Smart Farming

The ClimateSmartAdvisors project introduces Co-Design Innovation Experiments (CoDIEs)—a cutting-edge approach to addressing innovation gaps in climate-smart farming (CSF).

These experiments prioritize collaboration and practical implementation, putting farmers, advisors, and other agricultural stakeholders at the heart of the innovation process.

What Are CoDIEs?

CoDIEs are practice-oriented innovation experiments designed to foster change and innovation across multiple levels of the agricultural system:

  1. Niche Level: Focused on specific farming communities, CoDIEs test and implement innovative activities tailored to their unique contexts.
  2. Agri-System Level: The results from niche-level experiments are scaled to challenge and evolve existing systems, technologies, and institutions, often resistant to radical changes.
  3. Meta-Narrative Level: These innovations influence broader societal perspectives on climate change and farming, driving shifts in the overarching narrative.

Each CoDIE is carefully selected to address specific challenges within the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), fostering transitions toward sustainable agricultural practices. A total of 8-10 CoDIEs will be implemented in two phases, with the first round already underway.

Selected CoDIEs from the First Round

1. Austria: Rural Energy Community St. Ruprecht (REC St. Ruprecht)

In Austria, this CoDIE is transforming energy systems within a farmers’ cooperative in St. Ruprecht/Raab. The initiative builds on an existing biomass-based district heating network by integrating renewable electricity production and energy-sharing systems.

The project aims to address rising energy costs, improve energy resilience, and promote environmental stewardship in rural communities. By using local wood residues and renewable energy sources, the initiative not only ensures energy security but also minimizes the ecological footprint of energy production.

Why this CoDIE?

The project originated from discussions between local farmers, advisors, and the existing district heating company. These stakeholders recognized an opportunity to expand the successful biomass-based heating model into a comprehensive energy solution, integrating electricity production to meet growing energy demands sustainably.

Next Steps:

  • Organize a kick-off meeting with stakeholders, including farmers, municipalities, and energy consultants.
  • Develop a detailed plan for integrating power and heat plants into the community energy system.
  • Engage with shareholders and customers to align objectives and refine the strategy for expanding renewable energy use.

2. Slovakia: Farm2Advisory

This Slovakian CoDIE tackles critical challenges in the country’s agricultural advisory services, aiming to enhance regenerative farming practices through a demonstration farm network and digital tools like the Rege-PODCAST.

The initiative focuses on improving soil health, addressing biodiversity loss, and promoting climate-smart agriculture. By fostering collaboration among farmers, advisors, academics, and policymakers, the project strengthens the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) in Slovakia.

Why this CoDIE?

Slovakia’s dispersed advisory services and lack of a cohesive demonstration farm network presented a significant challenge. The Farm2Advisory CoDIE addresses this gap by co-creating innovative tools and platforms to empower advisors and farmers alike, promoting sustainable practices across the agri-food system.

Next Steps:

  • Convene a kick-off meeting to establish roles, responsibilities, and timelines.
  • Formalize a Demo Farm Focus Group to co-create a strategy for the demonstration network.
  • Host field days to showcase regenerative practices.
  • Develop and launch the Rege-PODCAST, featuring interviews with farmers, advisors, and experts to disseminate knowledge on climate-smart farming techniques.

3. Serbia: Biodiversity-Friendly Farming

This CoDIE focuses on modernizing pest management practices in Serbian fruit orchards by integrating regenerative agriculture, biocontrol techniques, and biodiversity-friendly measures. It seeks to reduce pesticide use, enhance biodiversity, and improve orchard resilience to climate change.

Key components include planting flower strips, installing insect hotels, and adopting biocontrol methods like pheromone traps. The initiative also emphasizes sustainable beekeeping practices to support pollination and ecosystem health.

Why this CoDIE?

The project was chosen for its innovative approach to integrating biodiversity enhancement with climate resilience. By combining modern pest management techniques with regenerative farming, it offers practical solutions to critical agricultural challenges while aligning with Serbia’s regional climate adaptation goals.

Next Steps:

  • Conduct surveys to establish a baseline for orchard practices, pesticide use, and biodiversity levels.
  • Host workshops with fruit growers, beekeepers, and policymakers to align project activities with stakeholder needs.
  • Begin field implementation, including setting up demonstration sites and deploying biodiversity-supportive measures.
  • Develop educational materials and organize farm visits to share best practices.
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of interventions on biodiversity, pesticide use, and orchard resilience.

Why CoDIEs Matter

CoDIEs are more than just experiments—they are catalysts for systemic change in agriculture. By fostering multi-actor collaboration and promoting innovative, sustainable practices, CoDIEs lay the groundwork for resilient farming systems across Europe.

The first round of CoDIEs in Austria, Slovakia, and Serbia demonstrates the potential of this approach to address energy sustainability, enhance advisory services, and promote biodiversity-friendly farming. As the ClimateSmartAdvisors project progresses, these initiatives will provide valuable insights and inspiration for future CoDIEs.

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